We offer 2 kits: " Super Deluxe" and "Basic"
Deluxe Super Kit
$ 379.00

Our very best kit and recommended starting point for all 4L60E rebuilding. All components seen here are the typical high wear and failure prone parts you must replace for a long lasting transmission. Other parts such as gearsets, front pumps and drums are sold separately in the "parts" section.
Deluxe Super Kit includes:
1. Overhaul Package
2. Filter
3. Band
4. Friction and steel plates
5. Clutch Pistons
6. Booster Sleeve and Valve
7. Cooling Line Fittings
8. Bushing Kit
9. Accumulator Pistons
10. Shift Solenoids
11. Manifold Pressure switch
12. Vehicle Speed Sensor
Basic Kit

This is a very basic kit for those wanting to purchase additional parts separately.
Includes only the following from Deluxe Super Kit above:
!. Overhaul Package
2. Filter
3. Band
4. 3/4 Clutch Piston
5. Pump Bushing (2)
6. 3/4 High Energy Clutch Plates and Steels
7. Shift Solenoids (2)
Torx Plus bit
If the bellhousing on your 4L60E is removable you must have this tool. Although a T-50 torx bit seems to fit the bolts, it's actually too loose and lacks the correct style splines. It will strip out easily. Once again, you absolutey must use this bit.
Here are the individual kit pieces and other commonly replaced components.....