July 29, 2014

The Mysterious Torque Converter
They're not much to look at, kinda heavy and impossible to get inside of without a lathe to cut them open. Behold the most incredible component in an automobile drivetrain: the torque converter. More than simply a fluid coupling, it's a physical science masterpiece! Read More...
July 22, 2014

Parts Cleaning: Be Careful!
You can damage transmission parts by using the wrong cleaning solution. Cleaning a bare aluminum case with a water based cleaner is fine, but water on parts such as steel plates, shafts and bearings will cause problems from oxidation and even worse; water on solenoids, friction plates and bands is a disaster. Read Here...
July 15, 2014

Make a 4L60E test shifter
Here's a simple electronic device you can make with only a few switches, a project enclosure and a salvaged wiring harness connector. It allows direct control of shift solenoids A , B and TCC solenoid by bypassing the vehicle computer. Control all 4 forward gears independently to determine if an electronic problem is in the transmission or not. Read Here