Yes! You CAN Fix a 4L60E Yourself!

Look at it this way... You've made it to this site because you are, at the very least, considering the possibility of attempting to fix one, right? Well, keep reading and give me a chance to convince you that you should.
Ok, If you don't know what a 10mm socket or feeler guage is maybe this level of repair isn't for you. But, if you have the ability and tools to safely remove the transmission from the vehicle and get it onto a workbench, you definitely have an excellent chance to successfully take apart, repair and reassemble this transmission. They're really not that complicated inside. In other words, if you can change out a water pump, do your own brake work and take a transmission out, you can do surgery on a 4L60E. Really! You won't need an engineering degree or a lot of unusual tools. Don't let the word " automatic" intimidate you. If you can work on the other areas of a car or truck, you've got the mechanical aptitude to handle a 4L60E transmission. All you need now is good instruction and a source of parts- Transmission Bench has you covered!
It's Not Hard!

Consider this: The General Motors 4L60E transmission is designed to be repaired by an ordinary average person with little training and only a few unique tools. You may think I'm oversimplifying, but it's actually true! Think about a transmission technician at the local Chevrolet dealer; he's a regular person like you. He learned 4L60E transmission repair from training videos and a few manuals in just a few hours. You can too! Yep, they wanted it that way! They kept it as simple as possible to work on. In addition to many other applications, this transmission is used in their truck and SUV type vehicles. Sales depend in part on keeping a decent reputation in the drivetrain repair department. In other words, GM understood these vehicles would be driven for many hundreds of thousands of miles under tough conditions making transmission repairs inevitable. The transmission better be easy to remove and as simple as possible to fix. Parts cost should be reasonable too. Trust me, this is a great, all around, repair friendly transmission- YOU can fix it!
Save $$Thousands! Learn A Skill!
Is your situation similar....
You might be the guy with a Chevy 1500 pickup missing 3rd gear. An estimate at the local transmission shop is $2500.00. Ouch! You just don't have that kind of money right now. It's either fix it yourself or walk! You think to yourself, "Hmm... could I fix it myself?" And then, "well....maybe, after all, I HAVE successfully repaired other areas under the hood. I'm comfortable working on an engine. Ive replaced a radiator and a starter. As a matter of fact, I'm actually comfortable working on just about anything on a vehicle as long as I have access to repair information. I know I can get the transmission out, but could I go INSIDE the transmission and fix it?"
Perhaps you already work on automobiles professionally but pass up this slightly more complicated yet financially more rewarding work. Like the person in the above example, you're not quite sure about working on an automatic transmission. You're intimidated. They seem complicated. You want learn a new skill, one that pays very well, but you've heard horror stories. The negative voice in your head says, "No way! I've seen pictures of the valve body. It looks like an impossible rat maze!" or maybe, "Those balls will fall out, springs will fly everywhere and It'll never be right again!"
Maybe you're a type of hobbyist. Let's say you're a sportsman drag racer. You build your own engines and love it. In fact, you do all the work on the car- except the transmission. Wouldn't it be nice to know how to rebuild or repair your own transmission! Think of the fast turnaround and money you could save. It's a shame you can do just about all of it, yet never quite get the nerve to venture into the transmission.
Are you the person building a hot rod in your spare time? Maybe it's a long term personal project and you want the satisfaction of building everything yourself but think assembling a transmission is over your head. Like the racer, building an engine is no problem, but an automatic transmission? You really want to do it yourself which, incidentally, is the whole point of your project, but you can't help thinking: "maybe I should farm the transmission out".
Are your circumstances similar? Do you WANT to fix a 4L60E? If the answer is YES!, here's how...
Finally! Great Instructional Video AND Parts In One Place
Transmission Bench is THE one stop source for the very best video instruction and the highest quality parts! Just go to the video page, watch the teardown and reassembly lessons and decide if this type of project is for you. The overall mission of these videos is to teach anyone, even someone without prior transmission experience, how to: easily disassemble, recognize problems and reassemble a 4L60E. When you're ready, you can take your own transmission apart while following along with the instructor at a comfortable pace. Then shop for a rebuilding kit and other parts on our store page. In a day or two after your parts arrive, you'll follow the reassembly lessons and rebuild your 4L60E to like new condition. YOU CAN FIX IT!